QuantumESPRESSO on Sulis
QuantumESPRESSO is a suite of codes for ab-initio modelling based on plane waves and pseudopotentials with the Density Functional Theory (DFT) in its core.
Accessing QuantumESPRESSO
First, check the list of existing QuantumESPRESSO
[user@login01(sulis) ~]$ module spider QuantumESPRESSO
Choosing a specific alias from the list e.g.,
[user@login01(sulis) ~]$ module spider QuantumESPRESSO/7.1
will print out the required modules to be loaded before QuantumESPRESSO
Loading the QuantumESPRESSO/7.1
into the command line environment is invoked by
module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4
module load QuantumESPRESSO/7.1
Running QuantumESPRESSO
Version 7.1
and onwards, set the parallel configuration automatically. We, therefore, can safely recommend running QuantumESPRESSO/7.1
without any parallel options.
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3850
#SBATCH --time=15:00:00
#SBATCH --account=suXXX-somebudget
module purge
module load GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4
module load QuantumESPRESSO/7.1
srun pw.x -i my.input
With earlier vesion, e.g. 6.8
, the parallelisation of QuantumESPRESSO can be tuned manually by distributing processors across groups defined by the command line switches: -nimage, -npools, -nband, -ntg, -ndiag or -northo (shorthands, respectively: -ni, -nk, -nb, -nt, -nd). The -nimage is available in some of QuantumESPRESSO codes, like ph.x
and neb.x
dividing processors into groups assigned to weakly communicating computation images.
Next parameters control the parallel execution of pw.x
. For example, launching pw.x
with the following configuration,
srun pw.x -nk 32 -nt 4 -nd 4 -i my.input
distributed 512 CPUs across 32 pools of k-points with 16 processors each. Each pool of 16 processors is split to four FFT tasks (-nt
flag). Finally, the Hamiltonian matrix is distributed over 4 CPUs (-nd
flag, recommended when N_bands is few hundred or more). More detailed explanations are found in the corresponding ‘Parallel execution’ section in the QuantumESPRESSO user manual.