Resource Limits

  1. Per node limits
  2. Per Partition Limits

Some of the resource limits we have in place are based on the hardware configuration of the compute nodes. For example, the maximum amount of memory a job can request on a compute node is just below the amount of physical RAM in that node to ensure that the operating system has enough RAM to function and not result in the node running out of memory.

Some of the resource limits we have in place (such as the walltime and job size limits) are in place to ensure that the available resources are fairly shared between users. Such limits may be reviewed and amended from time to time.

Per node limits

Limit Compute High Memory Very High Memory GPU
max no. of cores per node 128 128 64 128
max memory per core 3,850 MB 7,700 MB 64,000 MB 3,850 MB
max memory per node 492,800 MB 985,600 MB 4,096,000 MB 492,800 MB
max gpus per node N/A N/A N/A 3 A100s

Per Partition Limits

Where low priority partitions exist, differences to the standard limits are indicated in parentheses.

Limit compute devel gpu gpu-devel hmem vhmem
max walltime 48 hours 1 hour 48 (24) hours 1 hour 48 hours 48 hours
max cores per job 3840 256 1290 128 384 192
max cores per user 7680 256 1290 128 384 192
max gpus per job N/A N/A 30 3 N/A N/A
max gpus per user N/A N/A 30 3 N/A N/A
max running jobs (per user) 200 2 30 (10) 2 100 100
max jobs in queue (per user) 500 4 200 (50) 4 200 200